Our Ministries


Be Part of What God is Doing In Our Midst

Ministries Within Dayspring Chapel

Bible school

Lighthouse Bible College, a part of the Christian Education department of our local congregation, Lighthouse Outreach Ministries, aka Dayspring Chapel. It is a Christian and Bible-Based higher education institution that exists to offer education and Christian leadership training to those passionate about God’s call on their lives. Our courses are taught by the most knowledgeable and anointed teachers in the nation, and the schedule has been designed with the working-family in mind. The Institute was born as part of the vision that God gave our Senior Pastor, years before the church was founded. This vision was born in order to see believers in Christ have a well- rounded training that would help them to sanctify the Lord God in their heart and be ready to give an answer to anyone who would ask them for the reason for the hope that is in them, as well as being able to better represent Christ in every area of their endeavours, and to be able to counter the various false ideologies and teachings threatening the very core existence of Christianity in this 21st century. The Institute runs both the Associate Diploma in Christian Ministry (One Year Long) and Full Diploma in Christianity (Two Years). Both runs from January October of each year, with students having the opportunity to go and study for their degrees if they so desire. For more Information, call the Administrative Office on 01375373328.